Sister Cities: Some reflections on reflections


Music has a funny way of being released at the perfect time. Suddenly you have ten or eleven songs that seamlessly contain everything you’re feeling at the time. For instance, when The Maine dropped Lovely Little Lonely last year, it was the only thing I needed. Everything about that album was so in tune with my life at the time, I gorged myself on it. And in 2016, when Boston Manor released Be Nothing, the moody vibe and dose of anger was perfect for my situation at the time.

Sister Cities is not that album. From my very first listen, I was pretty sure that it isn’t what I need now, it’s probably what I’ll need in about three months. But that’s not a bad thing. I think I’ll grow with it, or maybe grow into it. I’m not enjoying it any less, but I am listening to it at a slower rate. Some things are meant to be inhaled. Sister Cities should be tasted, mulled over and carefully consumed.

The Wonder Years made an album so intricately poignant, I’m continuously floored by the subtle weight of it. It’s a sort of blink and you’ll miss it feeling that pops up over and over throughout the eleven tracks. With the themes travel and human connection throughout, it seems that maybe that’s the whole point.

This isn’t an album review. It’s more of a “hey, you should really go check this out and then report back and tell me what you think” sort of thing. Give it a listen, then a few more.

I’m embarrassed to say that it took me a good three years from finding out about this band to feel like I can call myself a fan. I was born and raised in Philadelphia so I basically bleed liberty bells and soft pretzels. You’d think it would have been an instant thing. Now I’m fully invested. Sister Cities pulled me in and by the looks of things won’t be letting go any time soon.

Playlist Two

Does anyone remember when I said I’d do this weekly? Yeah, that’s not happening. Maybe every other week? In reality, it’s probably just going to be when I get the urge to put a playlist together which is probably not going to be that much.

This one is a little shorter than the last one. It’s been the week from hell. I don’t think I’ve had a week this terrible in quite a long time. It’s been a week of not wanting to be alive every single day. I feel trapped in my own house as it gets too warm here for me to go out without swelling up to water balloon status. I’m so insanely lonely. I’m tired of everything. The pills, the pain, the blood draws and doctor’s appointments. I was very close to calling it a day this week.

Anyway, thought I’d give you all a little update. This is what I listen to when I want to curl up and die.  Question: What do you listen to when everything sucks?

My Favorite Releases of 2015

I’m not usually one for extravagant year-end lists but if there’s one thing I can talk (write) about forever its music. 2015 shaped up to be an amazing year for music, especially pop punk which I dived into head first.

Whether you’re already well acquainted with the genre or you’re looking for some new music to fall in love with this winter, this list is for you. Without further ado, my favorite releases of the year!


10. As It Is – Never Happy, Ever After

I picked this album up on a total whim at Warped Tour after only hearing a few songs from it before that.  As It Is is unapologetically very poppy and these songs are easy to listen to and enjoy right away.

Start With: Dial Tones, Cheap Shots and Setbacks
Personal Favorites: Turn Back to Me, Concrete


9. All Time Low – Future Hearts

It’s weird to have All Time Low so far down on this list because they’re one of my favorite bands. Future Hearts is a great album but there was so much amazing music this year. This album sounds big with huge soaring choruses, and catchy hooks all over the place. It’s again very easy to listen to and these songs sound even better live. There’s also a few sneaky references to older music thrown in that make this album fairly nostalgic.

Start With: Kids In The Dark, Something’s Gotta Give
Personal Favorites: Old Scars / Future Hearts, Cinderblock Garden


8. Jule Vera – Friendly Enemies EP

Jule Vera was one of my favorite new finds this year. They had a super unique, fun show when I saw them at Warped and I subsequently became very interested in their EP that was about to come out. This is an eight song EP filled with catchy tracks that make me really excited about what Jule Vera might put out in the future.

Start With: One Little String, Light The Night
Personal Favorites: You Can’t Mess It Up, Chemical Machine


7. The Wonder Years – No Closer to Heaven

Fair warning, this is not an album for easy listening. This is an album that you need to sit down with for an hour and pay attention to. It’s serious, heartbreaking, triumphant, and an absolutely stunning collection of songs. This album commands raw emotion from anyone listening and leaves a long lasting impact after the final notes of the last song.

Start: At the beginning with Brothers & and listen straight through.
Personal Favorites: Cigarettes and Saints, I Don’t Like Who I Was Then


6. Boston Manner – Saudade EP

Boston Manner was another new find this year and I was thrilled when I saw that the Saudade EP was coming out this November. This is only a four song EP but feels full enough to not disappoint with it’s length and still left me wanting more. If Saudade wasn’t quite enough for you, then the Driftwood EP is equally as good.

Start With: Gone (Listen straight though. It’s only four songs and I believe in you.)
Personal Favorites: Trapped Nerve, Shade


5. The Story So Far – Self Titled

This album is everything and more that I wanted out of The Story So Far’s third album. There’s high moments, low moments that feel lower than I thought possible for this band, and enough aggression to wake you up on a lazy day. Something I’ve come to expect from this band is a sound that is entirely unique to them and that’s exactly what you get from this album. Other bands in the genre aim to emulate but all fall short of the unique taste that is this album.

Start With: Heavy Gloom, Distaste
Personal Favorites: Nerve, Stalemate


4. Neck Deep – Life’s Not Out To Get You

This album had a fair amount of hype around it before it came out. Sometimes this can cause disappointment if the music doesn’t match up, but Life’s Not Out To Get You fulfilled the hype and then some. Actually, a lot. This album takes you on a journey all over the map in terms of fast, slow, happy, sad, and so on. Such a complete feeling album is hard to find and is extremely satisfying to listen to.

Start With: Gold Steps, Can’t Kick Up The Roots
Personal Favorites: Serpents, Rock Bottom


3. State Champs – Around the World and Back

State Champs have quickly grown into a band that I’m constantly listening to. Their second full length was the album I was most excited about during the second half of the year. It’s safe to say that this album was a breath of fresh air. It is textbook State Champs, only slightly elevated from The Finer Things (pun totally intended). I may or may not have cried after listening through the first time in New Hampshire. Around The World and Back packs in a diverse group on songs without a skip-able track in sight.

Start With: Secrets, All You Are Is History
Personal Favorites: All Or Nothing, Tooth And Nail


2. The Maine – American Candy

American Candy was my most anticipated album of the year by a landslide honestly. Lucky for me it came out in March so I didn’t have to wait too long. This album is short, and incredibly sweet. It is pop rock done in the best way possible and still manages to pack an intense punch. There is something so feel good in these ten songs that I haven’t found in just about anything else. This album makes me smile and in the next breath it makes me cry. It was exactly what I wanted out of a band that can pretty much do no wrong in my book. Listen to this album with your windows down, windows up really any time anywhere. It’s also important to note that American Candy was very nearly my favorite album of the year but got knocked out of the running this July by a very small margin.

Start With: Miles Away, My Hair
Personal Favorites: Same Suit, Different Tie, (Un) Lost, American Candy


1. Knuckle Puck – Copacetic

Copacetic is just about perfect. It might actually be perfect come to think of it. When I bought the five dollar pre-order download at Warped Tour I had no idea that this album would be my favorite release of the year. In fact, up until Copacetic came out this July, Knuckle Puck wasn’t even a band I listened to a whole lot. A true underdog in terms of the huge releases in the genre this year, this album is a pop punk masterpiece. Copacetic is a diverse, emotional roller coaster. Many of the more aggressive songs on the album are written in second person, pulling you right in to the line of fire. These, mixed with multiple moments of instrumental reflection give the listener a break to breathe before being thrown right back in to the hot seat. It’s not often that every single time I finish an album my mind is completely blown, but this is one of those times.

Start With: Wall To Wall (Depreciation) and listen straight through for full impact. *
Personal Favorites: Pretense, Untitled

There we have it! Music was so ridiculously good this year and I’m happy to share this list with all of you. I’m stoked for 2016 and the awesome tunes that it brings with it. I think the album I’m looking forward to the most is whatever Moose Blood puts out. What were your favorite releases of the year? What are you looking forward to in the new year?

*I recommend listening to just about all these all the way through in one sitting. Songs are great by themselves, but often the full album takes them to a whole new level of magical.